Brake Line Bracket (Rear)

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Major System Category: Brakes & Suspension
Task: Run brake line from the master cylinder to the rear brakes
Parts: Brake Line components
Prerequisite Tasks:
  1. Mount suspension and brakes
  2. Master cylinders
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 90 Minutes
Date Started: July 28, 2012
Date Completed: July 28, 1012
No modifications required for the rear bracket. It goes it more or less the way the manual says. The gotcha is the Koni shocks get in the way of the drill. Even if you have a right hand drill the clearance is pretty tight. The bracket is secured by two rivets through the sheet metal and two rivets into the cross member. I ended up using a longer rivet for the attached in the bracket to the cross member.
Rear bracket before it was riveted into place.

The important issue to ensure the flexible brake line running from the caliper to the side panel does interfere with the rear suspension travel. If the bracket shifts a bit during the rivet process, it is a simple thing to ream out the opening so the brake line end fits though the hole. Attach the slips and you are done.

My installation used all new hardware. If you are using donor brakes and rotors, you may have some issues removing  the brake clips.

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