Brake Line Routing (front)

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Major System Category: Brakes & Suspension
Task: Mount front brake bracket and connect steel braided lines.
Parts: Brake Line components
Prerequisite Tasks:
  1. Mount suspension and brakes
  2. Master cylinders
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 90 Minutes
Date Started: July 30, 2012
Date Completed: July 30, 1012
I think the brake line routing for the front brakes is harder to complete. One thing I did was I went and dug out the windshield washer reservoir. I read on a couple of build logs that it should be installed prior to running the front brakes. I didn't install it, but I taped it in place. The idea is that it takes up space. I was quite surprised at the size of the reservoir. I though it would be smaller.
Ensure that all lines coming off the master cylinders do not protrude  above the sight line of the inner wheel wells. I think there is a little wiggle room here, but I made sure I had some space.
Consideration: Temporarily install wind shield washer reservoir to ensure the brake lines do not interfere.
After messing up one brake segment, I taped the flange bolt to the end of the brake line so it could  not slide around. I think I was very fortunate to have only messed up one brake segment.
The steering column and the battery are additional considerations when running the front brake lines. The 20 inch line segment is used for the front driver's side brake. I am so happy that I went ahead and modified the brackets. It made this entire process much easier to complete.
Driver's side brake line installed.
Consideration: Ensure all plumbed brake lines are below the line of sight for the inner wheel wells. The top of the inner wheel wells is where the bulb seal for the front hood is placed.
Passenger side brake line complete.
I do not claim that my brake line bends are works of art. It did managed to include service loops, and I do not have any kinks in the lines. I carefully tightened down on the nuts and bolts. I did not want a repeat of snapping off a soft metal piece as I did when I put together the Big Brake Upgrade.
Up and down on the ladder to the top of the lift. I have to  be careful not to smack my head on the garage ceiling. I only have 10 feet. I've gotten pretty good at climbing around on top of the lift. I'm sure there's some safety regulation that I am violating.
I found myself needing to be under and over the car as I worked the line into place. I finally set a step ladder next to the lift and climbed up and down until I had both lines run.

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