Brake Line Routing (Rear)

<< Brake Line Bracket (Rear)                  Brake Line Routing (Front) >>

Major System Category: Brakes & Suspension
Task: Mount front brake bracket and connect steel braided lines.
Parts: Brake Line components
Prerequisite Tasks:
  1. Mount suspension and brakes
  2. Master cylinders
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 90 Minutes
Date Started: July 30, 2012
Date Completed: July 30, 1012

I figured I would mess up at least one segment of the brake line, and I did. I don't think this is a big deal. I plan to run down to NAPA tomorrow and purchase/order a replace piece. At this point, there are plenty of brake line segments to finish the brake line routing.
Brake line segment with union attached to end.

T connection for rear brakes.
Adapters that enable the transition between the hard line and soft line. They screw into the soft brake line at the brackets. There is one for each brake.
Consideration: Tape the ends of the brake line segments so the flare nuts don't travel too far from the ends. This is how I messed up one of the line segments, because I put a bend in the line, then discovered the flare nut was on the wrong side of the bend.

Rear passenger side brake line.
I think routing the rear brake lines are easier than the front. You have more room to work. If you have a lift, then you can easily run the segments along the driver's side of the tunnel. I did not use any fasteners to secure the brake line inside the tunnel as I still have to route the clutch lines. I infer from the photos in the manual that these lines run together.
Driver side rear brake line.
Consideration: I plan to tag the brake lines and clutch lines so I can differentiate them should/when problems arise during the Go Kart phase.

T connector under the car mid way through the tunnel.
With the brake line brackets in place, it is simple to get things just so. I put service loops into the lines where it made sense to do so. You have enough space to so on both rear lines. I installed the metric adapters on all the flexible lines before I started routing the brake lines.

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