Headlight and Turn Signal Mounting

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Major System Category: ISIS Wiring
Task: Mount headlights and turn signals
Parts: Kit head lights and turn signals
Prerequisite Tasks: Hood needs to be mounted and bolted into place
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 4 Hours
Date Started: October 13, 2012
Date Completed: October 14, 2012
The manual that came with my kit comes with a Gen I procedure to mount headlights and turn signals. While there are some similarities (you mount them in the front), the Gen II configuration is different enough to make me wonder if anyone at Factory Five actually tried putting in the signal lights they send with the kit.
Headlight with the adjustment screws installed and the h9 HID plug installed.
The headlight bucket on my hood is not removable, there is no foam core between the inner plastic and outer fiber glass, the holes are pre-drilled.
Rear view.
A removable headlight bucket has the charm of being removed to the bench where some very precise cuts can be made. Most people will have the hood bolted to the chassis. This requires the builder to work around the side of the hood to gain access to the headline area. Not a big deal, but it does make it harder to measure the holes for the headline pins. I had some good moments drilling holes, and some really bad ones. The pre-drilled holes are smaller than the headlight diameters. I am sure this is done on purpose, because a snug fit is desirable. I used a drum sander on the Dremel to open up the inner and outer holes.
Front view
The mounting sequence for the adjustment pins are the same. This is pretty easy. One thing I added to my procedure is once I had three adjustment pins mounted and pushed into the inner plastic portion of the headlight bucket, I slathered them with Goop to keep them in place. Once I figured out what I had to do to make this all work, the next three headlights went fairly fast.
The turn signals are a different story. The signal lens has three ears mounted evenly around the back flange. The manual shows that there is enough room to push/tap the lens into place and use screws to secure the lens to the inner plastic wall of the headlight bucket. NO WAY! There is absolutely no room for one of the ears. It took me a while to figure this one out. Once I cut off one ear and removed a significant chunk of material on the inside opening, I was able to get the turn signal lens into place.

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