Fuel Tank Crossover Tube

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Major System Category: Fuel System
Task: Install Cross Over Tube
Parts: Fuel pump and plumbing
Prerequisite Tasks: Aluminum Tanks
Additional Costs: $930 (entire fuel pump and fittings)
Time Requirement: 90 minute
Date Started: November 1, 2012
Date Completed: November 1, 2012
I received the QRP fuel pump system the week before we went to San Diego. So it has been sitting in my office for about two weeks. This is a box full of fittings, braided hoses, a relay, pressure gauge, fuel filters, anti vibration mounts and the Holley fuel pump. At first blush, this is a head scratcher.
This is the box of goodies QRP supplies for the fuel pump side of the  fuel system.

The first thing I needed to figure out was how to attach a AN fitting to a braided steel hose. A quick Google search found a great little YouTube video that even a computer geek can follow. I knew I was in the right place, because it featured a big hammer.

The easiest thing to do in the fuel system is to run the cross over tube between the two tanks. This is a really big steel braided hose with AN 16 fittings on each end. It is better to start out with a finished piece that is too long instead of too short. The secret to making this work is tilting one of the tanks so the tank's AN fitting is outside of the cut out in the tunnel. This enables the cross over tube to fit between the tanks. As you screw things in, everything comes back into place.
This is the piece as delivered by QRP. These guys are very generous. They provide enough hose to make 2 crossover tubes (just in case you screw it up the first time.) 

This is my finished hose. 

I had to go back twice to trim an inch off the tube. I wanted to make sure there was some slack in the line, but this is a relative concept. If there is too much slack it is not possible to connect the tanks, and it there is no slack, you have to start over.
Installed inside the tunnel between the two fuel tanks. This is about 12 inches further into the tunnel than when the Corvette donor tanks are used. This means it is further away from the heat and moving parts.

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