Rear Quarter Floor (R, L)

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Major System Category: Body (Undercarriage)
Task: Install floor plates
Parts: Rear quarter floor panels
Prerequisite Tasks: Rear Tunnel Aluminum
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 2 hours
Date Started: October 4, 2012
Date Completed: October 4, 2012
One of the items I have held off completing are the floor panels. It has been convenient to reach up through the floor and get some things done. When I was working on the original fuel tanks, there was no requirement to install the floor panels beneath the tanks. The Corvette tanks just kind of were there. I found this to be a good arrangement, because it provided access to everything around the tanks.
Rear quarter panels under the tanks. These panels are on the engine  side of the fire wall.. Orientation:  Center line of the undercarriage on driver's side.
The rear tunnel aluminum needs to be installed for the Corvette tanks. Once the tanks are in place, these areas become inaccessible for the purpose of installation. I upgraded the fuel system to use aluminum tanks, and these tanks require the floor to be installed. I was quite excited to install the tanks, bur first things first.
I sound proofed the panel closest to the cockpit, as it technically resides inside the same body shell area as the cockpit. The more triangular shaped piece resides adjacent to the engine. Since the tanks rest atop wooden blocks and camper mount tape is used to minimize rattles, these new tanks should ride pretty quiet.
Anything being installed from the underside of the car requires that the item be drilled and riveted straight up. There is nothing very complicated about getting this done, it just takes time and grunt work. Every rivet is into a cross member on the chassis. There are no easy holes to drill and some of the areas can be awkward. I had to take the rear axle off the jacks, because they interfered with my access. A right hand drill comes in very handy.

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