Mount INMotion Cell

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Major System Category: ISIS
Task: Mount inMotion Cell
Parts: ISIS inMotion Cell Kit
Prerequisite Tasks:
Additional Costs: $500
Time Requirement: 3 hours
Date Started: October 31, 2013
Date Completed:  October 31, 2013
The inMotion cell is the last fused module for the power system. This is different configuration from the normal power cell. It is designed to manage forward/backward, up/down and lock/unlock (e.g. door poppers, windows, mirrors). I concluded that it is cost prohibitive for mirrors  as you would basically require an entire cell for mirror operation, and there is the size foot print issue to consider (e.g. I'm starting to run out of space).
The first thing you notice is the inMotion cell has only five fuse slots. This because the circuits are paired for up/down, on/off. forward/backward. The second thing you notice is the power leads include a black grounding cable.
At this point in the build, I still have the Passport 9500ci to shoe horn into and the inTouch Net black box to install. All of these items have to be accessible without having to take apart the car. The most inaccessible component is the Vintage Air HVAC unit. The rest of the car is literally built around this one component! My concern is if I have to get into the car for something that goes bump in the night, I don't want to be stuck dismantling most of the vehicle.
I used a Vraptor mounting plate and positioned it next to the master cell plate. These are hinged so they can be swung up under the passenger side dash.
I used one of Vraptor's Isis mount plates and a simple hinge from Home Depot to set up the mount for the inMotion cell. Originally, I purchased one additional mounting plate, but I did not end up using it. These were nice to have in inventory when the time came to get things done. The reason for the hinge is so the master and the inMotion cells can be swung up and latched above the passenger side of the cockpit. It is a little crowded over on that side, but there is a fair amount of leg room. Besides, this isn't a car built for long rides. I am building this car for myself, Sunday afternoons, local car shows and obnoxious Mustangs.
I ran the power and ground cables through the 2 inch conduit built in over the tunnel. This is an optional add on that costs nothing to do. It isn't my idea,. I came across this on another guys site. I don't remember which one anymore.
I ran the data cable through the 2 inch conduit that runs above the Vintage Air Unit and out the pre-drilled access hole to the front bay. The megafuse for the inMotion cell is somewhat different than the rest. It has 2 50 amp plug in fuses, and grounding for the inMotion celll is done directly to the frame.
I ran the grounding wires to the front frame, sanded off the powder coat and bolted them to the frame.

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