Door Panels (Sound Proof)

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Major System Category: Sound/Heat Proofing
Task: Apply sound proofing materials
Prerequisite Tasks: Need to be finished with an area
Additional Costs: $100
Time Requirement: On going
Date Started: September 10, 2012
Date Completed: September 10, 2012
My plan was to work my way around the car. The next item I planned to tackle was the passenger side door. There's just one glitch in this plan. I am still waiting on the front door trim panels. I need these pieces to anchor the internal door frame.
Sound proofing the interior door area.

I had retrieved the doors from my storage locker (about 4 miles down the road). It was sometime after I had everything else set up to start working on the doors that i realized I did not have this piece of the puzzle. There are other pieces I could have worked around, but I did not want to guess about placement for things with the front trim panels.

I decided to sound proof the inside of the doors. This was the one thing I could get done. This is a easy task to accomplish. I kept the area around the door handle free (for the moment), just in case I change my mind about the door poppers, or if they prove unreliable. However, my intention is to close them off and cover them with a spare piece of fiber glass.

Note: Initially, I was concerned about miscellaneous fiber glass pieces, but once I started on the body cut outs for the body shell, I realized I had enough for the shaved door handles.

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