GTM AC Duct routing

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Major System Category: AC & Cooling System
Task: Run the ducts
Parts: Duct tubing
Prerequisite Tasks:
  • Locate the finished dash.
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 60 minutes
Date Started: August 12, 2012
Date Completed: August 12, 2012
This is probably the simplest AC task. It is certainly something that should be done before closing up the evaporator unit. (I did this before descending into the evaporator hard line issue, which ate up the rest of the day!)
Driver's side dash temporarily mounted with clamps. This is so I could measure how far I needed to run the  ducts from the evaporator unit.

Passenger side dash. It is starting to look and feel like a car. Unfortunately, these went back into storage as soon as I had it measured. Dead center in the photo is the back end of the evaporator unit. Those are the heater ducts coming out the back end.
These are all the ducts for the defroster and the AC. The two reached towards the top of the photo are the defroster ducts. The rest of them run to the center and ends of the cockpit. Orientation: Passenger side cockpit looking towards the front of the car.
The fun part is getting the finished dash pieces and fitting them together. This is the easiest way to measure the length of hose needed for each vent. The manual identifies the AC, defroster and heater vents. The evaporator unit has eight vents. I recommend using a small screw driver to ensure the flexible duct sides over the vent opening and over the tabs. I further recommend using zip ties to secure the duct tubing. This goes fairly easily.

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