Cockpit/Tunnel Aluminum (rear)

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Major System Category: Chassis
Task: Install rear tunnel aluminum
Parts: Tunnel Aluminum - Rear (4 pieces)
Prerequisite Tasks: Run all lines inside tunnel (less an issue if you have a lift)
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 90 minutes
Date Started: August 24, 2012
Date Completed: August 24, 2012
I started the preliminary fit for the Corvette fuel tanks. These mount behind the seats and ahead of the fuel tank finish panels. I figured out how things fit together and wondered a bit about the lines coming off the bottom of the tanks. About this point I noticed the tunnel panels would be impossible to install after the tanks are mounted.
Driver's side rear tunnel aluminum. I performed a light test looking for leaks in the seams. I found  a couple of places were  air can get through. I used my seam sealer and a spreader to close up gaps along the bottom of the pamels where there is no overlap.
I pulled the fuel tanks out of the car. I need a few things before these tanks are prepped for install. I am a bit reluctant to close up the tunnel, since there are so many things running though there. I also have come tot he conclusion that the AC hoses are too short to comfortably reach the compressor. I read on another blog (I apologize I don't have the link) that another builder ran into the same problem. He found a place that could extend the hose length.
Passenger side rear tunnel panels riveted into place.. I can still access the tunnel from above and below the tunnel.
I decided to sound proof all panels on the cockpit tunnel. I am doing this even though the firewall intersects the tunnel panels. My reasoning is that this is a common panel that could easily transmit heat and sound into the cockpit.I probably will run the heat shield the entire length as well.
Driver's side installed. When the fuel tanks are mounted, all the rivet lines are hidden by the  fuel tank.

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