Fuel Tank Finish Panels

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Major System Category: Fuel System
Task: Install the two angle panels that came attached to the chassis on delivery
Parts: Fuel Tabk Panels (LH/RH)
Prerequisite Tasks:
Additional Costs: N/A
Time Requirement: 2 hours
Date Started: July 26, 2912
Date Completed: July 26, 2012
There are a couple of gotchas on this one. Two pieces of sheet metal and rivets and silicone. This is familiar territory. The gotchas involve the rivets on top as you get close to the chassis tubes angling down. A full size drill is not going to fit.
Driver's side panel. Taken from inside engine bay.
Passenger side panel. Taken from inside engine bay.
There are many surfaces that need to be drilled and riveted. This is best done sitting inside the engine bay. If you can elevate the car some the engine mounts are waist level, you will save your back. As it is, I busted four drill bits on these two panels. I think it was just a real bad night.

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